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DollsVilla by Liliane® design at home 2010-2019



by Liliane Limpens November 19, 2019


Design for children




Villa's to Columbus, Indiana and Mission, Texas and Bakersfield, California. A fairytale Christmas Carol also for the children's favorite dolls and their cars!


Moon Picnic is successful in creating a consumer market for the Dutch design DollsVilla by Liliane® in the United States and the United Kingdom: "A very special dollshouse. This stunning large scale dolls villa is designed by Liliane, Holland and made to an impressively high standard in Germany. It’s the ultimate gift that will play an important role in anyone’s childhood." [...]


"As soon as you see this your heart will explode with a child's excitement, however old you are."


Moon Picnic's mission is to bring to families the best designs this wonderful planet has to offer, to help create an unforgettable, nurturing, beautiful and often magical childhood in these busy modern times. The collection grows slowly, conscientiously with a dedication to a truly inspired childhood. "It’s going to be a slow but wonderful journey finding the most wonderful treasures, often not ‘trending’ but instead timeless, one by one, discovering them."


by Liliane Limpens  

The national architecture museum Cité de'l'Architecture et du Patrimoine in Paris is holding intensive children’s workshops for schools with three complete versions of the dutch Design DollsVilla by Liliane®.


Cité de'l'Architecture et du Patrimoine | Palais de Chaillot

1 place du Trocadéro et du 11 novembre
75116 - PARIS


by Liliane Limpens October 30, 2019


In the Netherlands




The original, handmade DollsVilla by Liliane® from 1997/1998, a design by Liliane Limpens, becomes part of the permanent museum collection of the fairy-tale Museum Children's World [1969] in Roden, near Groningen in the north of the Netherlands. The museum has an impressive collection of old dolls and bears. Children can actively play [together] in the museum café with a second one, a new DollsVilla from the 2019 production series.


Museum curator Mara Bosboom: "This way the children can see the development of a prototype into its final market shape."


In 1969 the Dutch Museum Children's World Foundation in Roden was founded by the Association for Tourist Traffic and the Association of Folk Entertainment. At the same time, in this year an appeal was made via the ANP to the Dutch population to look at toys from the past in the attic. This call was met with mass response and it was the start of a unique collection. Two foundations currently manage the Children's World Toy Museum: Dutch Museum Children's World Foundation and Foundation for preserving the Museum Children's World Collection.


Children's World Museum offers guided tours, a senior package, a package for children's parties and school trips. Teaching material will soon be available, which will enable primary schools to achieve official learning objectives.


Vanity Fair Junior Italy Settembre 5, 2019
Edizioni Condé Nast. Supplemento a Vanity Fair Italy N. 36



Vanity Fair Italia: “Ci vuole un fiore dal tavolo alla carta da parati, belle idee per una cameretta eco. Eco casa per le bambole, LILIANE."

"It takes a flower from the table to the wallpaper, nice ideas for an eco bedroom. Eco dollhouse, LILIANE."




Interview by Aleksandra Leszcyńska | July 29, 2019

Fathers Magazine, Italy Spring 2019
A creative collaborative blog and magazine for the modern dad



Paola Noé: “I think that Unduetrestella had the honour to present for the first time some design products that can be considered as “masterpieces” of contemporary design for kids. I’m totally fascinated by the three: Max in the BOX by Perlude and the furniture by EcoBirdy or the DollsVilla by Liliane®.”



Paola Noé has been an art critic, a curator and has worked in the editorial office of the prestigious “Flash Art” magazine. In 2008 she started to run Unduetrestella, a special contemporary art project for children. Today, the children’s universe is her hobbyhorse. She looks for the most interesting phenomena for kids – from art and design to vintage objects and even food and then exhibits them during the most important and unmissable international design sector event, a showcase for creativity, innovation and quality: Milano Design Week - by Aleksandra Leszcyńska.



BY Liliane Limpens April 24, 2019





by Liliane Limpens April 11, 2019


unduetreSTELLA art and design for kids




The DollsVilla by Liliane® light will make her introduction in Milan at the International Design Week 2019, the Salone Internazionale del Mobile.

Press release:

Like every unduetrestella DESIGN WEEK edition, Liliane Limpens, the designer of DollsVilla by Liliane (NL), who creates two innovative models of a dollshouse on wheels, made of sustainable materials, full of every comfort, even the car ramp, like real toy furniture full of accessories.


On the occasion of the 500th anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci the theme of 2019 will be Leonardo the designer, even for the little ones: no one before him had demonstrated an imagination so close to the mind of a true contemporary designer, and very similar to the creative desires of a child. To remember the childish components of his vision.

Exhibition Art & Design for Kids April 9 - 14, 2019

Fabbrica del Vapore, Via G.C. Procaccini 4. IT 20154 Milano


Art, design, creativity and beauty are the keywords for unduetrestella DESIGN WEEK’s format who, since 2009, has strived to create and show the most creative solutions to live and grow with kids, cooperating with brands, companies, designers, artists and creative people - Italian and International - involved in the children’s universe. 



Di  8 aprile 2019

Style Piccoli: Italian kids a and lifestyle magazine | Design
Al Via la design week: ecco tutte le mete perfette per la famiglia



Milano durante la Design Week diventa un vero e proprio concentrato di creatività e colore, un grande palcoscenico dove arte, design e performance si incontrano. Tutto questo da domani fino al 14 aprile, giorni in cui la città ospita il meglio del design internazionale con il Salone del Mobile e il Fuori Salone: un’occasione unica non solo per gli addetti ai lavori, ma anche per tutta la famiglia, grazie a un calendario fittissimo di mostre, installazioni, percorsi ed eventi capaci di accendere la curiosità e l’immaginazione in grandi e bambini.


Alla Fabbrica del Vapore Unduetrestella Design Week celebra Leonardo da Vinci

Diventata punto di riferimento per il design dedicato all’infanzia Paola Noé quest’anno ci stupisce con un progetto tutto legato al 500° anniversario di Leonardo da Vinci, un percorso che risponde perfettamente al claim Hallo Leo! Artista, pittore, matematico, scienziato, Leonardo è infatti considerato il più grande genio di tutti i tempi e a questa multiforme creatività unduetrestella DESIGN WEEK ha dedicato la sua bellissima esposizione, nel grande Spazio Messina 2 all’interno della Fabbrica del Vapore.


“Ma ci piace pensare a Leonardo come il primo designer della storia, capace di coniugare creatività e funzionalità, bellezza e risoluzione pratica dei problemi, desiderio di superare i limiti e capacità di rimanere con i piedi per terra. Anche dopo aver volato. Leonardo ha costruito anche macchine terribili di guerra, eppure i suoi modellini oggi assomigliano a giocattoli, i suoi studi sulle ali e sugli animali hanno la poesia di un’illustrazione per bambini“. E sulla scorta di questo pensiero, Paola Noé ha realizzato un percorso tra estetica e funzionalità, con più di 40 brand e pezzi di design provenienti da tutto il mondo.



by Susan Stevens March 27, 2019


Made With Respect - Auckland New Zealand




Another MWR Girlboss, Liliane Limpens © Designer of the DollsVilla by Liliane® shares her inspiration for taking her passion to protect the planet into her business.


"We must learn to be protectors of nature and appreciate everything that it provides us. It is important for young children to be around natural materials, to be able to touch, feel, smell and interact with their unblemished nature."


"I am passionate about introducing children to the wonders of wood through play as this interaction contributes to an awareness of sustainability at a young age. Children are capable of developing a real connection with the products of this earth and we need to encourage that as much as possible for our Planet to thrive."


The DollsVilla by Liliane is a sustainable dolls house, built at a child's height. Made of FSC birch plywood, beech and stainless steel. FSC standards have been developed to protect the forests' biodiversity and ecological processes.

Susan Stevens - founder Made With Respect
LinkedIn March 27, 2019

Made With Respect has been created with a purpose: All the brands fall within our 4 pillars and align with one or more of the following values. MWR is a positive movement, where buying conscious brands is the norm. For a sustainable future for our people on our planet.



by Liliane Limpens February 14, 2019


The Dutch national youth television news - NOS Jeugdjournaal


Newly added to the dolls collection




There are new Barbie dolls with a disability, namely a Barbie in a wheelchair and one with a prosthetic leg. According to the Barbie makers, children with disabilities feel so more accepted.


The American Jordan Reeves of 13 was allowed to think about the dolls. Jordan was born without forearm and was sorry that there were no dolls that looked like her. The company decided to do something about it. "So proud that I was allowed to cooperate!", writes Jordan on Facebook



by Liliane Limpens November 29, 2018




"I picked up the DollsVilla today and just finished assembling it. It has exceeded my expectations! It was exactly what I was looking for. I am blown away with the quality and craftsmanship and I am extremely pleased!


Thank you so much for bringing back the Light model of the DollsVilla by Liliane® and allowing me to purchase it. I knew that this would be what I wanted, and it has already proven to be more than I could have hoped for! It's awesome! Thanks again for making such a great house!

Mrs. Zachary | Billings, Montana, United States


Di  23 novembre 2018

Style Piccoli: Italian kids fashion and lifestyle magazine | Design





"[...] Mentre pensa in grande Liliane che propone una villa su ruote, perfetta per farci giocare bambole e bambolotti."

"[...] While thinking in large Liliane proposing a villa on wheels, perfect for dolls and dolls play."


Dollsvilla per bambole (e bambolotti) su ruole (da UnduetrestellaSTORE, prezzo su richiesta).


Vi siete mai chiesti perché la doll house piacciono tanto ai bambini (ma non solo)? La risposta sta nel loro potere immaginifico e nelle tante storie che tra quelle piccole pareti prendono vita, portandoci altrove per un po’, dentro mondi incantati, per vivere ogni giorno nuove avventure.

Have you ever wondered why children [and not only they] love the dollhouse? The answer lies in their imaginative power and in the many stories that come to life between those small walls, taking us elsewhere for a while, into enchanted worlds, to experience new adventures every day.


Avete presente, ad esempio, la bellissima Stettheimer Doll House dell’artista Carrie Stettheimer, che si trova presso il Museum of the City of New York? Realizzata tra il 1916 e il 1935, questa casa di bambole rappresenta da sola un vero scrigno di storie. E non solo perché si trova in un museo e ogni giorno è attraversata dallo sguardo e dalla memoria di migliaia di visitatori, ma anche perché nelle sue stanze si trovano opere d’arte in miniatura, create appositamente da alcuni famosi artisti del tempo amici di Carrie. Ad esempio Marcel Duchamp e Alexander Archipenko, tanto per citarne due. Se vi capita di visitare quel museo, fermatevi a guardarla bene, perché tra mobili e pareti c’è una bella parte della storia dell’artista. Carrie, infatti, era la sorella di Florine Stettheimer, pittrice eccentrica nella New York di inizio secolo, abituata ad ospitare in casa i personaggi più importanti della cultura del Novecento americano. Ed ecco la magia di questa doll house, che rappresenta un vero tesoro non solo per i bambini, ma anche per qualsiasi adulto che abbia, almeno una volta, sognato di vivere a New York, proprio nel momento in cui questa metropoli conquistava il titolo di capitale del secolo.

Have you seen, for example, the beautiful Stettheimer Doll House by artist Carrie Stettheimer, located at the Museum of the City of New York? Built between 1916 and 1935, this dollhouse is a true treasure trove of stories. And not only because it is located in a museum and every day is crossed by the look and memory of thousands of visitors, but also because in its rooms are miniature works of art, created specifically by some famous artists of the time friends of Carrie. For example, Marcel Duchamp and Alexander Archipenko, just to name two. If you happen to visit that museum, stop and look at it carefully, because there is a good part of the artist's history between furniture and walls. Carrie, in fact, was the sister of Florine Stettheimer, eccentric painter in New York at the beginning of the century, accustomed to hosting at home the most important figures of the twentieth century American culture. And here is the magic of this doll house, which is a real treasure not only for children, but also for any adult who has, at least once, dreamed of living in New York, just when this metropolis conquered the title of capital of the century.


Purtroppo con la Casa di bambole della Stettheimer non si può giocare, ma nessuna paura perché oggi il design si è sbizzarrito e ha dato vita a una nutrita serie di doll house davvero creative… con dettagli così minuziosi che viene subito voglia di aprire la porta ed entrarci. Sedersi a tavola e versarsi una tazza di tè. Come ad esempio la Mini Home o la Big Mini Home disegnata da Eero Aarnio per il brand finlandese Tactic: un set con mobilini e pezzi d’artista (lo riconoscete Puppy, sempre di Eero Aarnio?). Oppure le modernissime villas Miniko, delle vere e proprie case in miniatura, in materiali pregiati e rifinite a mano del marchio polacco Minjio (in Italia le trovate da UnduetrestellaSTORE). La maison francese Encore! punta su componibili da arredare come stanze molto romantiche, abitate da tanti coniglietti in stoffa, mentre pensa in grande Liliane che propone una villa su ruote, perfetta per farci giocare bambole e bambolotti. Se siete di quelli con la testa sempre tra le nuvole, la vostra casa perfetta è la cloud-house di Rock & Pebble, mentre gli amanti del classico stile Liberty potranno trovare ospitalità in una delle deliziose Sylvanian Family.

Unfortunately with the Stettheimer doll's house you can not play, but no fear because today the design has gone wild and gave birth to a large series of really creative doll houses ... with such meticulous details that you immediately want to open the door and go in there. Sit at the table and pour a cup of tea. Such as the Mini Home or the Big Mini Home designed by Eero Aarnio for the Finnish brand Tactic: a set with pieces of furniture and artist's pieces (do you recognize Puppy, also by Eero Aarnio?). Or the modern Miniko villas, real miniature houses, made of fine materials and hand finished by the Polish brand Minjio (in Italy you can find them from UnduetrestellaSTORE). The French fashion house Encore! tip on modular to be furnished as very romantic rooms, inhabited by many bunnies in fabric, while thinking in large Liliane that offers a villa on wheels, perfect for us to play dolls and dolls. If you are one of those with your head always in the clouds, your perfect home is the Rock & Pebble cloud-house, while lovers of the classic Art Nouveau style will find hospitality in one of the delightful Sylvanian Family.


E se volete leggervi anche un buon libro, lo trovate (ma dovete costruirvelo da soli) ne La mia piccola libreria (Rizzoli)… iperdibile! E voi, in quale storia vorreste entrare?

And if you want to read a good book, you can find it (but you have to build it yourself) in My little bookstore (Rizzoli) ... iperdibile! And you, in which story would you like to enter?

Una versione pi
ù piccola della Dollsvilla su ruote (da UnduetrestellaSTORE, prezzo su richiesta).
unduetrestlla |  Paola Noé Milan:

"Siamo felici di vedere ancora una volta le due varianti di dollvillas di DollsVilla by Liliane.
Ci conosciamo da tanti anni. Non ho mai visto una casa di bambole così "giocata" da bambine e bambini. In ogni nostra esposizione era il catalizzatore dei bambini.
Non è soltanto una casa delle bambole. È una risposta intelligente per essere bambini e giocare!
Grazie Style Piccoli, grazie Oriana Picceni, come sempre."

"We are happy to see once again the two dollvillas of DollsVilla by Liliane.
We've known each other for many years. I have never seen a doll house so "played" by little girls and children. In all our expositions it was the catalyst for children. It is not just a dollhouse. It's an intelligent answer to be children and ply!".



by Olive Bell | November 21, 2018


Moon Picnic Walnut USA & UK | Design shop for Kids


Christmas success for Moon Picnic with the sales of the DollsVilla by Liliane© in the United States, the United Kingdom and Germany. "It's the ultimate gift that will play an important role in anyone's childhood."


Moon Picnic is the first and currently the only US stockist of the DollsVilla by Liliane®: "As soon as you see this your heart will explode with a child's excitement, however old you are."


"Our mission is to bring to your family the best designs this wonderful planet has to offer, to help create an unforgettable, nurturing, beautiful and often magical childhood in these busy modern times."


"Browse the slideshow of impressive details and furniture and read more about the philosophy behind this in the words of the designer Liliane Limpens on our product page."



by Liliane Limpens October 8, 2018




A well-known Sex and the City-actress buys a Dutch design DollsVilla by Liliane® for her own palatial villa in New York.

Her shop DLK | Design Life Kids US:

"We have been obsessing over your beautiful DollsVilla by Liliane®, the design is just beautiful."



April,e 2018


Insieme: Il giornale della femiglia


'Dolls Villa', mobile su ruote realizzato in materiali sostenibili. Di Liliane (a Unduetrestella Design Week)



April, 2018


Petit & Small - blog about international kids design


Petit & Small blog: "At unduetrestella Design Week, you can also find amazing designer toys from Dollsvilla [et al]. These playthings bring together creativity, design and fun. Do not miss them out!"


"Some brands that caught our eye: DollsVilla by Liliane®".



by Milano Moms | April, 2018


Milano Moms: idee, stili e tendenze per le mammie a Milano




Article about the exhibition Now, Now, and Now! Unduetrestella design projects for children.


Also in 2018 the DollsVilla by Liliane® is present in Milano during the Salone Internazionale del Mobile.

Exhibition Art & Design for Kids April 17-22, 2018

Fabbrica del Vapore, Via G.G. Procaccini 4. IT 20154 Milano



by Liliane Limpens April 16, 2018


Now, Now, and Now! Unduetrestella design projects for children



Also in 2018 the DollsVilla by Liliane® is present in Milano during the Salone Internazionale del Mobile.

Thanks to the support of Municipality of Milano, Unduetrestella DESIGN WEEK is hosted in a very prestigious exhibition space: Fabbrica del Vapore, a large former industrial area close to the city centre. Fabbrica del Vapore is an important exhibition space hosting big and international shows dedicated to contemporary art and culture.


"DollsVilla Global (NL): conceived and produced by the designer Liliane Limpens creates two incredible and innovative models of dolls houses on wheels. The child heigh DollsVilla is a sustainable dollhouse on wheels for children’s most cherished 1:6 cars and dolls of 30 centimetres. With a cool design interior, stainless steel roofplates, a car ramp and three trays. www.dollsvilla.com".


Paola Noe of Unduetrestella: "It is our duty as adults, looking to the next generation, to emphasize the strength and power of childhood along with our responsibilities, adults teaching children to grow up and live in this contemporary world."

Exhibition Art & Design for Kids April 17-22, 2018

Fabbrica del Vapore, Via G.G. Procaccini 4. IT 20154 Milano



by Liliane Limpens April 9, 2018


High end shop for design and life products for children | USA




"We have been obsessing over your beautiful DollsVilla by Liliane®, the design is just beautiful. We would love to begin a new partnership with your DollsVilla Global BV in The Netherlands."

DLK | Design Life Kids: modern finds for the modern home. West Chester, Pennsylvania.


"This modern dutch design is made of high quality sustainable wood creating a unique and modern dollhouse on wheels. Designed for larger dolls such as Barbie, stuffed plush toys with a 30 centimeter - 1:6 scale. In hotel lobbies, nurseries and primary schools, the DollsVilla is used to stimulate group play between multiple children, encouraging group play! This villa includes a large house and furnishings. Due to the nature of natural wood, coloring and shades made vary. 120 x 60 x 128 cm 42" x 23" x 50" Birch plywood, solid beech wood, stainless steel. Includes 19 furniture items."


DLK is a carefully curated collection of fashion, accessories, toys and decor for the modern aesthetic loving family. With a focus on high quality, modern design, DLK features talented boutique designers and internationally adored brands.



by YMCA Greenwich USA March 27, 2018


Youth Development USA




"YMCA for youth development in Greenwich USA very happy with the Dutch DollsVilla by Liliane®, for awakening the imagination".

Childwatch featuring DollsVilla by Liliane® YMCA Greenwich USA:



by Liliane Limpens December 5, 2017


Italian publication - Christmas December 2017






The renowned Italian design-lifestyle magazine CASA facile published an editorial about the Dutch design DollsVilla by Liliane®.

The Doll’s House

Doll houses but also mini-kitchens are part of the so-called imitation play. They give children the opportunity to repeat gestures and situations that they have seen in the adult world. In this way they refine their movement skills and their perception of reality, the awareness and the expression of their own emotions. The play makes children aware of their own inner world and of the world around them.

Dollhouse of birch wood [Liliane, cm 120x62x130h € 1.988].
Pubblicazione italiana - Natale dicembre 2017



La rinomata rivista italiana di design-lifestyle CASA Facile ha pubblicato un editoriale sul design olandese DollsVilla by Liliane®.


La Casetta delle Bambole

Le casette ma anche le mini cucine fanno parte dei cosiddetti giochi di imitazione. Permettono ai bambini di ripetere gesti e situazioni osservati nella vita degli adulti; In questo modo si affinano la manualità e l ‘osservazione della realtà, La consapenolezza e l’espressione della proprie emozioni. Il gioco rende il bambino consapevole del proprio mondo interiore e di quello esteriore.

Casa delle bambole in betulla [Liliane, cm 120x62x130h € 1.988].



by Liliane Limpens August 22, 2017




Today two samples of the DollsVilla by Liliane® start their journey to private customers in Tallinn Estonia and in Hong Kong. #ParentsInLove



by La Cuky | Elisa Cucuzza 15.04.2017


Mamme Con Stile




"Questa settimana non ho avuto il tempo materiale di raccontarvi le meravigliose novità di design per bimbi che ho visto al #UNDUETRESTELLADESIGNWEEK @ MUBA - Museo dei Bambini Milano al #fuorisalone domenica scorsa."


"Mi impegno piano piano a mostrarvele, perché sono realtà artigianali meravigliose. Io mi sono innamorata di questa casa delle bambole fatta interamente in legno di DollsVilla by Liliane® Dopotutto...chi di noi non ha mai sognato una casa delle bambole? ❤". 


Mamme con stile | Milano 2017 MUBA Museum Design for Kids


The DollsVilla by Liliane®  is in April in Milano, as part of the exhibition Art and Design for Kids in MUBA - Museo dei Bambini Milano from April 4 to 9, 2017. During the Milan International Design Fair | Salone del Mobile | the unduetrestella Design Week.



by Paul & Paula 03.04.2017


Paul & Paula Kids, Design & Lifestyle




"DollsVila Global [Netherlands]. Dutch brand run by Liliane Limpens, designer of the DollsVilla by Liliane. The child heigh DollsVilla is a sustainable dollhouse on wheels for children's most cherished 1:6 cars and dolls of 30 centimetres."



"With a cool design interior, stainless steel roof plates, a car ramp and three trays. #DontStopHousing".


The DollsVilla by Liliane®  is in April in Milano, as part of the exhibition Art and Design for Kids in MUBA - Museo dei Bambini Milano from April 4 to 9, 2017. During the Milan International Design Fair | Salone del Mobile | the unduetrestella Design Week.



by Millano Moms  | n° 15 Aprile Maggio 2017


Exhibition Art and Design for Kids Italy in Milan




"The DollsVilla by Liliane® is the most loved piece at the exhibition. A lot of interest! also from journalists."

Paola Noe of unduetrestella, initiator Art and Design for Children in the Children's Museum MUBA Milan.


The DollsVilla by Liliane®  is in April in Milano, as part of the exhibition Art and Design for Kids in MUBA - Museo dei Bambini Milano from April 4 to 9, 2017. During the Milan International Design Fair | Salone del Mobile | the unduetrestella Design Week.




by Liliane Limpens April 11, 2017


Exhibition Art and Design for Kids Italy in Milan




"The DollsVilla by Liliane® is the most loved piece at the exhibition. A lot of interest! also from journalists."


Paola Noe of unduetrestella, initiator Art and Design for Children in the Children's Museum MUBA Milan.


The DollsVilla by Liliane®  is in April in Milano, as part of the exhibition Art and Design for Kids in MUBA - Museo dei Bambini Milano from April 4 to 9, 2017. During the Milan International Design Fair | Salone del Mobile | the unduetrestella Design Week.

Press day Tuesday, April 4 from 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.  

The purpose of MUBA Milano is to create and promote cultural expressions aiming at encouraging stereotype-free creative thought in children and prepare them for a society which requires greater and greater creative attitudes. MUBA develops and spreads non formal education with a view to promoting an innovative culture focused on children direct experience.




by Liliane Limpens February 13, 2017


DollsVilla by Liliane® in C-More Concept Store Nijmegen




The new C-More Concept Store at the Honig Complex in Nijmegen proudly presents the dutch DollsVilla by Liliane® to her audience.


In the LOFT | ROOM of C-More, in the centre of the shop, existing and starting brands are mixed. The DollsVilla by Liliane® is part of the Children's Room, along with other high quality designer furniture.


C-More Concept Store | Honig Complex Nijmegen  
Waalbandijk 8 | 6541 AJ Nijmegen The Netherlands  


by Olive Bell | January 27, 2017


Moon Picnic Walnut USA | Design shop for Kids


American consumers, especially working mommies, can now finally buy a DollsVilla by Liliane® at home.


The new USA and UK online-shop Moon Picnic - design shop for creative kids: "We'd be very happy to be a stockist in the US and promote it through our blogs and social media. We love the DollsVilla by Liliane®! I think many US customers feel a lot more comfortable with domestic shipping. We look forward to introducing your amazing dollhouse to our audience."


Moon Picnic: "If you're like us, as soon as you see this your heart will explode with a child's excitement, however old you are. Yes, we've finally found our favorite thing in the toy store (which of course happens to be the most expensive in there) and our parents won't get away easily this time as we hold on to the frame and won't let go!"


"You can easily imagine how thrilled we are and we can't wait to tell you all about it!"


"This DollsVilla by Liliane® was designed for large dolls and stuffed animals (children's children!) and 4-5 children can play together with enough room for everyone. In their own safe domain filled with all the features of modern living and stylish furniture just like their parents, they learn about pleasure, attachment and trust. This is a gift for the whole family and future generations too." 


"Browse the slideshow of impressive details and furniture and read more about the philisophy behind this in the words of the designer Liliane Limpens on our product page."





by Kristine Mc Veigh Kids Interiors | October 18, 2016


Kids Interiors






Kristine Mc Veigh:

"Home interiors is not just something adults love but children too ! Which little girl didn’t dream of a doll’s house pretending to be in charge of her own home? Most of us have this traditional conception of a Barbie’s kind of doll’s house just for girls but today we all know that little boys are also interested in interiors and grow up designing their homes with just as much passion as women. The DollsVilla by Liliane is a modern and more complete version of a doll’s house intended for both girls and boys thus stimulating group play, social-emotional and language development."


"The DollsVilla is indeed an impressive doll’s house by its size and design! It comes with a complete design interior and can contain 30 cm dolls and 1:6 cars with even a car or horse ramp. It is made out of birch plywood (double transparent varnish), solid beech wood, stainless steel and plexiglass."


"The villa is made in two different versions, the leading and the light version which both have metal wheels with double-brake systems so you can  move it easily to any part of the house. The villa is sturdy, mobile and made of sustainable design materials."


"The designer Liliane Limpens motivation stems from a desire to give children their own dream haven and to play with their most cherished dolls – their own children! Liliane also tells us that when she was little and played with her dolls she would dream of the wonderful life she would lead in the future – The DollsVilla is so close to real houses with so much attention paid to details that any child will dream!"


"The DollsVilla Global BV started in 1999 and finds her way to high end department stores and hotels, to child care centres, schools, child psychiatrists and psychologists and is donated to a number of one hundred Dutch asylum centers, woman shelters and foster care parents."


"The designer Liliane Limpens was previously editor-in-chief of the Dutch arts magazine Harlekijn, head of the Dutch library and documentation centre for arts education and founder/member of the board of child care facility for gravely ill children at the Maastricht Academic Hospital."


"DollsVilla Global BV is participant of the Dutch economic mission to Australia (Melbourne and Sydney) and New Zealand (Aukland and Christchurch), from October 28 till November 10, 2016."


Kids Interiors is the online inspiration and shopping guide for the best kids interior brands and shops from all over the world. Daily updates and news related to kids interiors; furniture, decor, textiles, toys and design aswell as inspirational articles about kids bedrooms, playrooms, toddlers and nursery rooms. 



by Liliane Limpens




"The villa is a big success!! Our daughter was given it for her 3rd birthday. At her birthday party I think every mom asked me about the villa. We are also now the favourite house for play dates as all the girls want to come over and play with the DollsVilla by Liliane®.


The villa is an amazing dolls house and we are very happy with it. Our daughter can play with it for hours [meaning I can get some work done]. We were also very impressed with the quality [when we were assembling it]. It was a whole evening's work, but fun and impressive.


I think the villas should be seen as much as possible. As I said all the moms who have seen it, love it. Stores could have the villa with a clear advertisement of what it is.


I know that I often go to a well-known quality shop in Amsterdam-south for children's clothes. Liz plays with the DollsVilla by Liliane® there so I can take my time and look around. She doesn't want to leave the store because she wants to play longer. I therefore spend more time in the shop and eventually buy something I wasn't planning to just because my child was happily playing and I had the time to look around. You benefit because I - like other people - fall in love with the DollsVilla by Liliane®. But having said this, the villa is an upper segment product, so its budget is for a select group of clientele.


Thank you again for the good service and fantastic product. I think this DollsVilla by Liliane® will stay with us for many many years, if not generations."



by Liliane Limpens September 17, 2016


The leading global fair for kid's first years



COLOGNE GERMANY September 15 -18, 2016  

The Dutch DollsVilla by Liliane® for the first time present at the prestigious global trade fair Kind + Jugend | Cologne September 15 - 18, 2016. The presentation took place at the new Design Parc.


Liliane: "Enjoyed the stylish and beautifully lit Design Parc with the DollsVilla by Liliane® in it's heart. So honored and happy by the many ‘Oh wauw!!’ reactions of the public."


The Design Parc is an atmospheric exhibition area inside the fair Kind + Jugend where exclusively children’s furniture, living accessories and games from different countries are displayed. Outstanding, ready for the market products that have already been produced can secure themselves support in the form of a tailor-made sales concept which considerably facilitates their market entry.

DollsVilla by Liliane® in the Design Parc | Hall 10.1 Booth A075  
Kind + Jugend September 15 - 18, 2016  
Koelnmesse GmbH | Messeplatz 1 | 50679 Cologne Germany  


by Koen Crommentuijn | May 25, 2016


A great Kids Club is not just a pretty space filled with products, it requires extra thought, care and specialist expertise to make it the truly special place that kids can appreciate and feel good in. It’s the job of the Kids Club Consultants of Stoerrr® to find you the toys and furniture that are truly unique and will make your guests have a memorable stay.


Kids Club Consultants http://www.stoerrr.nl/kids-club-consultants/



by AMC  Blog | May 4, 2016


Blog US Florida


Create The Perfect Mood With Accent Colors







One of the easiest ways to liven up your home is with accent colors and matching accent decorations. Accent colors are used to help give a room a pop, to blend the color scheme together, and most importantly, to decide the mood of the entire room.


Using accent colors is about two things: choosing a mood that you want to provoke and choosing where you want the attention of your guests to be drawn to.


In the above picture, the homeowners chose red and pink to give the room a playful and energetic vibe by picking two pink and red decorative toys. These color choices enhance the clean strong lines of the room while also inviting kids to come play. This type of subtle invitation can be done with small accent items such as picture frames and pillows.




Photo Credit Liliane Limpens



by Angie Hanke | October 28, 2015


Babyology Australia:


Modern finds for hip kids & parents








A doll house like no other, the child-size DollsVilla by Liliane® has been designed by Dutch interior designer Liliane Limpens to give children a place to get completely lost in thought and play. More than just a striking play item for the home though, it’s proving invaluable in hotels, child care centres, child psychology clinics and even emergency shelters.


The DollsVilla by Liliane® has a stylish interior to rival any real designer home, exposed shelving for easy play and, believe it or not, a car ramp. It comes equipped with furniture to fit 30-centimetre-high dolls like Barbie and is available in two sizes – one for two and three-year-olds and one for ages four to six.


The house is made from birch plywood, solid beech wood, stainless steel and plexiglass. Liliane’s intention with the use of wood was to help children develop a connection with the earth, and an early understanding of sustainability as a concept. She used transparent varnish to ensure the house’s natural colouring is a calming addition to any room.


Other than for play, Liliane sees the DollsVilla by Liliane® as a chance for parents to learn about their children’s development as they watch them move about and make up stories based around the dolls and the house.


Her desire was to give children their own dream haven but she had special intentions for public places too. Used in a hotel lobby, it allows children to play and communicate, regardless of what language they speak. In child care centres it encourages group play and in psychology clinics, it can be (and has been) used to facilitate contact with children, make diagnoses and even as a form of treatment.


Perhaps its most important use though, is in emergency shelters where it contributes to a warmer living atmosphere for disadvantaged children.


To purchase the remarkable DollsVilla by Liliane® outside of Europe, you need to visit the DollsVilla by Liliane® Webshop and email your request directly to the company. The large house costs €1614 (including furniture and linen) and the small one costs €898. Full house specifications are also available via the link.


Reanne Jones | Australia: "DollsVilla by Liliane® blows the others out of the water!".


Ashleigh Jane | Australia: "I may be saving a very long time if Grace were to ever get anything this fancy!".


Babyology is the online market leader in high-quality product-focused editorial content for Australian parents with 2.334.871 page views a month and 695.000 Facebook fans . Babyology is the premium online resource for parents, providing information and reviews on products and services for them and their children. It facilitates a community where parents can discuss products and services and ask questions of experts in the field. Babyology focuses on high-quality content, publishing at least three articles each day, in addition to other links and snippets sent out through social media channels.



by Enrico Fragale Esposito | editor Kid's Wear Diary | Milano July 19, 2015




Kid's Wear Magazine Italy




The DollsVilla by Liliane® is far more than a simple dollhouse; it has been designed by Dutch designer Liliane Limpens for dolls that are one foot tall, making this house unique in its genre. Liliane created this doll house because there wasn’t a sustainable home for the size of dolls children prefer to play with.


So this one-of-a-kind house on wheels, equipped with furnishings and a car ramp, made from sturdy materials, such as birch plywood, beach wood and stainless steel, come up at child-height.


“Playing with the Villa is playing with wood, I think it is important for children to play with naturals materials”.
The measure and endurance give the relationship between adult and child a kind of equivalence, considered relevant for kid’s growth.


The distinctive open design of the Villa encourages interaction and free play, that’s why Liliane thought that, apart from a family use, it could work into day care centers or primary schools.


It is a mission, she explained, to incite “female entrepreneurs to consider developing physical products, and not just think about providing a service.”


Putting down roots on ethical values this Villa will make children feeling real owners of their space. 


Have a look at: www.liliane.eu


Text by Enrico Fragale Esposito


kid’s wear, established in 1995, is a magazine for children's fashion, lifestyle and culture which is unique anywhere in the world. Twice a year, for the beginning of each fashion season, the world's best photographers and many of today's eminent photographic artists interpret fashion and contemporary lifestyle over 250 pages. They rub noses with both established and new writers who write about childhood in today's world in articles, essays and short stories. By way of recognition for its ongoing work – in 2015, kid´s wear celebrates its 20th anniversary – the magazine regularly receives major awards. Recent awards include commendations from the Art Director´s Club New York and the Art Director´s Club Deutschland. kid’s wear has an international outlook and an international readership.The magazine is published by renowned photographer Achim Lippoth. “The most beautiful magazine in the world!” | Bruce Weber.



by The Mom | Prêt à Pregnant July 15, 2015






"This is not a normal dollhouse… no it’s a villa and we absolutely love it."


After the exciting presentation of the DollsVilla by Liliane® at the prestigious Kids Design fair at Superstudio Milan the Dolls House arrived back home in the Netherlands. During De Kleine Fabriek the villa was showed to the Dutch audience for the first time.


The DollsVilla by Liliane® is much more than a normal dollhouse. The Villa is specially designed for dolls that are one foot tall. Children prefer dolls this size, just like Barbie and other 30-centimetres tall stuffed animals and toys. Because there wasn't a sustainable home for these size dolls, power women Liliane Limpens decided to create this Villa.


The Villa also comes with a message. If the dolls, which your children see as their own children, live in a strong and safe house than the 'parents' [your kids] will also sleep more sound. In the Villa it's the kids who decide everything when it comes to values, standards, perspective and freedoms. The villa encourages the play by touching the children's creativity and fantasy whilst practicing their social manners.


The Villa is child-height and made from sturdy, quality materials such as birch plywood, solid beech wood and stainless steel. The open design encourages interaction and free play for up to 6 children at the same time. The house comes in two models, each complete with designer furniture including a car ramp, beds, storage drawers and kitchen and bathroom appliances.


The Villa is already a much-loved item at day care centers and primary schools across Europe and the Villa is used by universities who research how play therapists, child psychiatrists and psychologists can use the Villa to help children who suffer from trauma.



by Liliane Limpens April 13, 2015


Ki.D.S. Superstudio Group | Unduetrestella Italy




During Milan Design International Furniture Fair 2015 starts the first edition of a new design project for children: Ki.DS | Kids Design at Superstudio. The Dutch DollsVilla by Liliane® is selected as part of the exhibition.




"As for the selection of companies and brands participating to Ki.D.S. | Kids Design at Superstudio the Italian organizing company unduetrestella keeps up with its research and world-wide scouting, to highlight brands and companies dedicated and involved in creating and producing the best design for kids."


"The eminent spaces of Superstudio Più, headquarter of the new project SuperDesign Show during the Design Week 2015, opens the door to the world of children, hosting Ki.D.S. Kids Design at Superstudio, an ambitious exhibition project by the most interesting international furniture brands and companies for infants."

Milano April 14 - 19 April, 2015  
Ki.D.S. SuperDesign Show | Fuorisalone 2015  
Superstudio Più  
Via Tortona 27 Milaan  

by Myriam Gwynned Diick | editor  
Discover Benelux & France | Design feature April, 2015  

The DollsVilla by Liliane® is much more than a normal doll house. The Villa is specially designed for dolls that are one foot tall – children’s favourite dolls – making it unique in the world and popular among children.


The open design of the Villa encourages interaction and free play: up to six children can use it at the same time. Apart from families, the Villa is also a much-loved item at day care centres and primary schools not just in the Netherlands, but across Europe.


Apart from play, there are other interesting applications. Currently universities in the Netherlands and Poland are researching how play therapists, child psychiatrists and psychologists can use the Villa to help children who suffer from trauma.


Designer Liliane Limpens says: “In the words of the Dutch consul-general Guido Tielman in Chongqing, China, the DollsVilla by Liliane® is ‘the Bentley among the world’s dolls houses!’”


Discover Benelux & France is the business and members magazine of British Airways, Swiss Air, Brussel Airlines, the KLM Business Lounges and the Dutch embassies in Europe. Published by Scan Group London.


by Andrea Wahr R. | reporter El Mercurio August 23, 2014  
El Mercurio newspaper Chili  
Santiago Vivienda y Decoración  

The largest of the design doll houses is the DollsVilla by Liliane®, for five to six children, measured 120x62x128 cm, is made of modified birch plywood and stainless steel.


The Dutch designer Liliane Limpens - a former editor of a magazine of art - created the DollsVilla by Liliane®, "a home for the children of the children", motivated by giving them a dream haven. "It had to be top quality, that it is an exclusive, private domain, just for your favorite dolls, which has its own rules and freedom", explains and adds that the dolls and stuffed animals play an important role in children's learning about attachment and trust.


The DollsVilla’s (www.liliane.eu) measured 1.20 m high, are made from birch wood and can be moved thanks to the wheels under their base. They come fully furnished and there are two models: one for a group of four to six children and one villa for two to three children.



La más grande de las DollsVilla by Liliane®, para cinco a seis niños, mide 120x62x128 cm, está hecha de contrachapado de abedul y terminaciones de acero inoxidable.


La diseñadora holandesa Liliane Limpens –ex editora de una revista de arte– creó DollsVilla by Liliane®, “una casa para los niños de los niños”, motivada por darles un refugio soñado. “Tenía que ser de primera calidad, para que fuera un dominio exclusivo, privado, solo para sus muñecas favoritas y donde hubiera sus propias normas y libertades”, explica y agrega que las muñecas y peluches cumplen un papel importante en el aprendizaje de los niños en el apego y la confianza.


Las casas de DollsVilla by Liliane® (www.liliane.eu) miden 1,20 m de alto, están hechas de madera de abedul y se pueden mover gracias a las ruedas que tienen bajo su base. Vienen completamente amobladas y hay dos tamaños: una para un grupo de entre cuatro y seis niños y otra para dos a tres niños. La más grande de las DollsVilla by Liliane®, para cinco a seis niños, mide 120x62x128 cm, está hecha de contrachapado de abedul y terminaciones de acero inoxidable.


by Liliane Limpens August  6,  

Butterfly Occasions UK




It’s a special villa for the 21st century and children and parents are going to absolutely love its ability to keep everyone entertained. It’s strong, durable, mobile and made from sustainable materials for those who care about the environment. You can watch your children develop their communication and fine motor skills and listen to them as they creative their own imaginative world.


Playing in the DollsVilla by Liliane® is a quality time with your children while you encourage them to engage, communicate, speak, count and show all the lovely items in the super DollsVilla by Liliane®.


by Liliane Limpens July  
Architectural Digest AD Spain online [July] 2014  
por Silvia López, Celia Vega  
Bienvenida a casa, muñeca  

„Otro histórico de la arquitectura disponible a pequeña gran escala es Arne Jacobsen. La danesa Minimii ha replicado la casa del arquitecto en Charlottenlund y, cómo no, la silla Cisne. Su intención es que los padres también jueguen con las miniaturas, por eso han lanzado la casa en formato MiiBox, que se cuelga en la pared como un joyero. Otra madre que reaccionó con creatividad ante la falta de oferta de casas hipsters para sus hijos es Liliane Limpens.


„Mientras Minii y Minio están pensadas para las medidas de Barbie y otras fashion dolls, las de Liliane son aptas para muñecas grandes.”


by Liliane Limpens May 16,  
Among the world's dolls houses  

Guido Tielman, Dutch consul-general in the economically expanding city of Chongqing [31 million inhabitants], selected LILIANE BV from among approximately 200 Dutch international enterprises as the one with the greatest sales potential in China by far: “I am very impressed by the DollsVilla by Liliane®.” Tielman is sounding out the potential of bringing the DollsVilla by Liliane® to the children of China at the Wereldveroveraars conference for conquerors of the world on 13 May 2014.


Tielman: “The DollsVilla by Liliane® has tremendous sales potential in China. Here’s an anecdote to illustrate this. I live in a hotel in Chongqing. I recently passed by a wedding reception in the hotel. Looking outside, I noticed that there were ten Ferraris at the hotel car park! What I want to say is that there are many people in China nowadays with serious money. My British colleague sells Bentleys and he told me that he sold eighty Bentleys in just four years’ time.”


“This is the Bentley! [pointing to the DollsVilla by Liliane® on the screen in the conference hall] The Dutch DollsVilla by Liliane® is the Bentley among the world’s dolls houses. The Chinese are very status-oriented. If you, as a parent, are able to buy a DollsVilla by Liliane®, you are a good parent.”


“Because of the one-child policy, parents only want the very best for their child. The last [marketing] element is that the Chinese wish to educate their child to the highest possible level and give it the best possible upbringing. Parents are anticipating on the importance of developing a child’s creative potential. The DollsVilla by Liliane® can contribute to this ideal.”



'Wereldveroveraars' is the Netherlands International entrepreneurial network.